Is 21 in the rear view yet? I certainly hope so because I have a few take-aways to dump into the "lesson learned" box.
Follow Through....
it should be follow THOROUGH. The details of crossing "t's" and dotting "i's" was left by the wayside and excused to death in the form of anxiety and fear.
Nothing wrong with having a journal or a place to write down what you are grateful. The water we drink and the bread we break are the most basic things to say "thank you" to over and over. It's the really big things that come together that garner boisterous praise. Remembering that the Wine and Water are the only reason we are here makes THANKS for all other things BIG.
Nothing wrong with going through life with blinders on... Just don't run into me PLEASE. Entering any situation without being aware of what can happen is a willingness to accept the consequences without complaint. The same can be said if you are completely conscious of risk entering any situation... accepting consequences.
There is nothing wrong with the fact that '21 really left me with so many things I regret.... the reason the top 3 things above destroyed 21 for me.... rather it all paved the way for 2022 to have less bumps and potholes and just some smoother turns that climb the mountain. When the Warrior is able to climb the mountain and achieve some basic needs... ALL Warriors will RISE>.....