What is Next?
It's been a rough go. This last year has hit harder than most. The things out of my control have consumed me and left the warrior brand hanging in the abyss. Wandering aimlessly around the dark spaces have left this warrior, (me) without a focus or end goal. Confused about what the next step can or should be for the brand much less my warrior life.
God speaks to me on a regular basis. Mostly because I am listening or looking to Him for help. Often asking what can or should be done with the Warrior. The Symbol has so much meaning to me personally (obviously), but to many others who often comment about how they are somehow drawn to and connect to the symbol. It immediately becomes personal for them seems to be the feelings I get.
Business has never been my strong skill set. I have started many and the success is singular. Meaning, I can sustain singular success. Single success means not capable of growing, which is the end goal of ALL businesses. Growth involves trust, another skill I have lacked due to inability to truly forgive myself and others in trusting situations. Now that its been said... there are a couple of people I trust completely and there is potential for a new angle or a new way to get the Warrior message and symbol out there....
that is what is being worked on NOW.....
If you have read this far.... this is how you can support the next step... I have an inventory that needs to be sold.... go for a quick shop and then send me an email of things you want... Paul@phitthreads.com
make Sure to give SIZE and COLOR .... I will check inventory and get back too you with a considerate discounted price....
if you have little kids... get them some small or X-small shorts... they will love them...they can grow into the shorts...super durable ...
thank you...